Survey questions
Data are gathered in various ways. One common strategy is use of surveys. On the surface, this may seem simple—ask questions, record answers, tabulate and analyze results to draw conclusions. But the reality is that writing survey questions to collect the data needed instead of the data desired is easier said than done.
In this activity, student pairs or trios work to review the elements of good survey questions and then write six or more questions of their own.
The Assessing Numbers Instructional Activities are continually reviewed. If you use this activity, please complete a Feedback Form afterward.
Standards: CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3, Grades 6 – 8
Objective: Students work in teams to review tips for writing survey questions and then work in their teams to create six or more good questions.
Student Resources
This site is meant to be used by teachers. Student Resources are provided, but please do not direct students here. Copy and paste the link to the handout and whichever of the Online Resources you want students to use on your classroom webpage, in your classroom area of the school’s Learning Management System, or wherever you distribute digital materials to students.
Susan Brooks-Young: sjbrooksyoung@gmail.com