Quick Overview
Use of twisted truth or outright lies to influence people is nothing new. What is different these days is people’s ubiquitous access to massive amounts of media – print, audio, televised, and online. What might once have been confined to a small group of individuals can gain worldwide readership with the click of a mouse.
Educators recognize the need to become more informed consumers of media personally and also to help their students acquire those same skills.
The free materials offered on this site were created for middle school students and educators as supplemental materials for my book entitled The Media-Savvy Middle School Classroom: Strategies for Teaching Against Disinformation, but can be used by anyone who wants to learn these critical media literacy skills.
I have offered sessions and workshops on this topic for several years, but attendees are hungry for examples of activities they can use themselves and with their students. Click here to learn more about me and here for an overview of the materials available on this site.