Counterknowledge – Preparation


Required Materials

Group Conspiracy Theory—JFK’s Assassination

Independent Conspiracy Theory 1 – Holocaust Deniers

Independent Conspiracy Theory 2 – UFOs

Independent Conspiracy Theory 3 – Bigfoot

Independent Conspiracy Theory 4 – The Earth is Flat

Teacher resources:

Advanced Preparation:

1. Review and print handout or post the link to the Counterknowledge handout wherever you distribute digital files so each student can access the handout.

  • Review the Counterknowledge handout.
  • Print one copy of the Counterknowledge handout per student or post the link to the Counterknowledge handout wherever you distribute digital files so each student can access the handout.
  • If students complete a digital copy of the Counterknowledge handout, decide how you want them to rename the file for easy identification later. For example, do you want each student to create a file or will it be sufficient for each pair or trio to share one file?

2. Gather print reference materials or arrange to visit school library.

3. Identify and review online research resources. You may want to post links to some of the suggested Online Resources for students wherever you distribute digital resources to students.

4. Divide classes into teams of 3-4 students who will work together to complete the assignment.
